Center for Your Health logo Susan Mantell, MD Erica Sutton, PAC 501 N. Lincoln Philo, IL  61864  Phone: (217) 684-2419  Hours: 7-5 M-Th Closed: 12-1 & Fri

DVT Imaging

Diagnostic Vascular Testing, Inc. (DVT). DVT offers 3 vascular screenings. AAA- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, CIMT- screening the carotid arteries for arterial age and plaque. ABI-Ankle brachial Indices-screens for peripheral vascular disease. These are valuable preventable healthcare screenings. They can help in the prevention of arterial and stroke disease as well as reverse or cure chronic disease. And most importantly improve your quality of life.

Illinois Thermography

Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI) is a 15-30 minute non-invasive, radiation-free, and compression-free test of physiology.

Using a state-of-the-art highly sensitive digital infrared camera, thermography accurately measures heat from the surfaces of the breasts or body, detecting temperature differences that may be due to an abnormality. DITI can screen for vascular changes, inflammation, and neurological changes in the breast or body..

Illinois Thermography will next be in Philo on June 26, 2024.